Here at Garvin’s, we want your business. There’s really no secret about that. But we also know that if our van is parked out in front of your house every two weeks, it seems like we’re doing a bad job. We’re here not only to sell our sewer drain cleaning and sewer services to you, we’re also here to educate you on how you can have a healthier plumbing system in your house. After all, we’re your our neighbors and we drive the same streets as you do…we don’t want angry drivers who are constantly worried about their sewer system cutting us off!
So, here are some of the most common things you can do to prevent having to call us all the time. While it’s pretty impossible for you to do anything about tree roots requiring rooter service, you can make sure that your drains stay a little cleaner.
In The Shower: One of the first things you can do is to get a hair trap in the bath / shower. Hair is certainly the biggest offender when it comes to catalysts for clogs. And it makes sense that you’d lose a lot of hair in the shower, considering that’s where you wash it and massage your scalp. Buying a cheap rubber hair trap that you clean after every bath or shower will prevent your hair from starting a clog in the first place.
Considering the toilet: Don’t put stuff down there that shouldn’t go down there. We all know what toilets are used for, and it’s not for flushing feminine hygiene products (even those labeled as flushable) or condoms or paper towels or cleaning wipes. Also, consider using a toilet paper that disintegrates more easily, as many clogs are caused by too-thick, too-solid toilet paper. Also, it might seem simple, but have a plunger handy. Know, though, that if you’re having constant clogs that it’s probably not your drains or you diet…your sewer lines are probably getting clogged and will need our sewer snake to push through.
At The Sink: We’ve talked time and again about how utterly bad grease is to your kitchen sink drains. That’s because it really is the big reason that drain, home sewer lines, and public sewer lines get clogged. First of all, don’t put grease down your sink in the first place. Second, keep that strainer in your sink in place so that food doesn’t go down the non-disposal side. Get a high-quality garbage disposal that can create the smallest possible particles of food. If your garbage disposal can handle chicken bones, sure it can be fun to hear them crunch, but is it really any better for your drain than if you throw them in the trash.
Finally, get a plunger that you only use for sinks. In fact, write “SINKS ONLY!!!” on it and keep it under your sink, so that the in-laws don’t see it and think “yep, that’s the toilet plunger allright.”
Preventive maintenance: One of the easiest ways to keep your drains clean is with Garvin’s preventive maintenance programs. By having us do regular drain cleaning, you might never have to call us for sewer cleaning.
Follow these simple steps and you’re halfway to a clean drain. And when it does come time that you need sewer drain cleaning, give Garvin’s Sewer Service a call. We’ve been serving the Denver area for over 75 years!